Oh man this is a fun subject
Let me start by saying ,
I am not implying that women
don't do things like the ones I will
talk about now...
But I am writing as a woman
so it will be my tips for the guys !
A lot of them are so clueless
It makes me wonder from which planet
they come from...
what's up with that attitude saying :
"Have no baggage please"
Are you a man over 30 ?
and you consider yourself
with no baggage ??
I find this very weird already !
At a certain point of our life
we carry that , sometimes big
sometimes medium and
some smart people small ones.
Let's face it , we all had some
drama in our life ,
it might be created by us ,
by others or both .
what we learn from it
makes difference on the size
of the baggage we carry .
Second thing people like to
post about themselves
I am 40 but look like 18 ...
( turns me off right away )
If I wanted an 18 I wouldn't be checking out your profile !!
Didn't you post any recent pictures
that should go without saying it
are you that immature and insecure ?
Talking about pictures....
Don't write me saying
I don't take much pictures
Get a camera a take some shots
if this is a lot for you to do
then don't waste my time
I am not interested !
Also you guys want us to have
recent pictures (fair enough)
but then you post pictures
of Paris , house , cars
I wanna see YOU !
A closer head shot no sunglasses,
body shot in jeans or something like that
no fuzzy ones from miles away...
For the ones without pictures alone ,
if you wanna post pictures around people
grab a taxi driver , a kid
family members or animals
but never ever other hot chics
(stripper looks)
also the ones that just came out of high school
Don't get me wrong I dig hot chics
but if I am looking for the man of my life
or a simple boyfriend to start with
I don't think you would be my pick
posting those kind of pictures !
I wonder what makes you
think that it will drag me to you
Would you appreciate
if it was the other way around ?
I didn't think so ! So get a gripe !
If you are ONLY looking for fun
than go for it ! Post your face between
some hot twins( if you know what I mean)
and gold diggers will fill your inbox !
Way to go playboy ! Enjoy it !
Now the "rich" ones that
can't write you an email and
only wink at you because
they are not members...
either you are not serious about it
or you are a broke ass so
spare me to read that you
are successful and own your home
I am not buying it !
Profiles very short
no more than 20 words
and very incomplete...
Again HELLO this is internet
as you , we wanna know as much
as we can about you
so we decide if there is a
potential date there or not !
Then I save the best for last
this is the worst for me
male , 52 years old searching
for female from 25 to 48...
for example...
So are you telling me that
you would date your daughter's
best friend...creepy !!!
You look desperate to me
and lost so I click
You all have a wonderful
time , good luck
and remember to be REAL
We appreciate that !
acho que os sites de encontros (dating) deviam ser gratuitos(FREE) ou ter mais alternativas de pagamento para alem dos cartoes bancarios,pois existe muita gente que nao adere ,pois nao quer dar esses dados pela net,os administradores desses sites sao pessoas estereis a nivel intelectual,copiam-se uns aos outros,exemplo eu ia a uma sex shop e comprava preservativos da marca tal,e la dentro vinha um codigo,que da um mes de uso no site xpto,seriam muito mais caros,mas a segurança paga-se,ou um cartao tipo raspadinha a venda nos quiosques,dinheiro virtual anonimo .