Is there any place
where we can feel safe
where our fantasies are around the corner
a place where things taste better
where we experience our best kiss over and over
a place overlooking the sea
where the time stops
and we learn how to live NOW
A place where people respect each others and the earth
where love is never taken for grant
but cherished and nourished every single minute
where our jobs is just to help each other
as a good and honest human being
and make sure we also don't judge
A place where we can be ourselves
and don't need to pretend or
work on "acceptance" or trying to fit in
God loves all of us the same way
and that's the only one
we should try to "please"
not by looking or weighting in a certain way
but by BEING in a certain way
I believe we all come to this world
pure and in touch with our soul
and the older we get
it seems the further we go from it
We are not listening...
I believe this place it is inside of us
it is called HEART
How often do you listen to yours?
muito bem escrito, um luxo, eu quero música e livroooooooooooo!!!! bjssssssssss