My last posting was about people being real
saying what they feel like
and asking what they want
the same goes for the bedroom part
C'mon ladies FAKE ORGASM
Are you kidding me ?????
It is almost 2011
we should be able to
tell them how we like it
trust me they love to see
you scream and I mean
As for the guys
A real one in my opinion
will please and satisfy his woman
before he thinks about his other head
I am talking about when you guys are
on the first half ...
after that it is game on
whatever makes you both happy
should strike..should roll
Actually a real man get turn on
by watching his woman explode
and the contractions of her body
c"mon man that's priceless and
better yet,,,YOU DID IT !
Orgasm is one beautiful
and powerful thing
and we all should have it
many times...
so if you are a man
give it before you have it
if you are a woman
have it before you cheat
simple as that !
it is all about
Gostei! Bjs.
ResponderExcluirAbsolutely Barbara!! I agree 100%, and that's the way it should be. Woman first in not just opening doors, but the door of passion and ectasy too! How can a man be satisfied if his woman is not, and in mutiple ways and times. Andrew
ResponderExcluirHmmmmm....I can't believe I am getting drug into this...but, Barbar, somebody has to break you out of your shell and tell you its "ok to have sex"...so I have to comment. LOL And most of the time, I would agree with you Barbara and Anonimo, but only because I enjoy it that way. You see, enjoyment...that is the key. And sometimes, I want to come first and I will be all about me. And I will be that way without apology. And, if a woman has what it takes to truly appreciate my cock, then she will be turned on by that energy too. But, if me or any other man is only about pleasing his woman 100 % of the time, then that energy will come off as needy. In other words, he will be trying too hard and turn her off. So, sometimes the man being in touch with his own needs and wants can be sexy as fuck!