Coming from a family of artist
I found myself listening to music very early in my life
and I realize by now that my attraction is much much much
bigger to someone who share the same preferences when it comes to music
Music is much more than just notes or melodies
Music is one wonderful way to share feelings ,
to communicate and demonstrate your deep desire
Music turns me on , makes me feel alive
makes me wanna dance and makes me wanna cry
There is nothing better than make love
listening to a song that turns your soul inside out
with someone who sings along and touch my body till explode out loud
Rhythm and Blues is my favorite kind
so this afternoon I got Ne-yo , babyface and Whitney Houston
to remind me how intense love can be
and how great is to be alive and able to
feel vulnerable and free...
What are you listening right now ?
Bring out the best of you is
what music is all about !!!!
I have never found communication more thrilling than when it is done through music. The lyrics, beats, rythems or moods all communicate more than anyone can say. Our choice in music also provides a window into the rythem of our souls and how we see our selves. I love every word you have written about your feelings and I cant help but feel a strong kinship to it. Let the beat go on!
ResponderExcluirliNDO bb..amei..
ResponderExcluirestou num momento tb que preciso escrever, "botar pra fora" ...
logo logo, uma nova postagem minha...
sds de vc...
Eu acredito que a música seja a nossa janela pra alma!
ResponderExcluirTantos momentos, emoções, situações vividas que a música consegue nos transportar!
Hoje o dia será muito especial pra mim e que bom que poderei dividi-lo com você.
Love you!!!
A música toca a alma, realmente através dela viajamos literalmente a um lugar mágico, e sendo ela ponte entre o imaginário e o real...sem a sonoridade e a melodia, nada teria graça, nada mesmo...
ResponderExcluirPor isso BB, a música é tão importante para todos nós, que a amamos, que a sentimos, porque flui além da nossa compreensão...colocando-nos no estado da mais plena felicidade!!!
Beijos Queridona!!!