Just looking at you makes me smile
when all feels weird and empty...
You log into my body and the connection is made
and if the sky doesn't quit crying ,it doesn't bother me
I still shine , glitter and spread the joy
that I get from looking into your small big eyes
Just turn your camera on baby
I am here for you , I am there with you
I wanna put on a show JUST for you
make yourself comfortable
grab a drink and let me play with your mind
promise you won't blink
it hurts but you won't cry
Let me take over your screen
I am ready to make you mine
Let the wind blow to cool off the heat
so I can seduce to this song
that you follow every single beat
My hips get weak as I start moving slow
my wet hair makes you dizzy
when the drops moisten my breast
and go all the way down to the place where you lose yourself
keep watching , we are all alone
I need your hungry instinct
and your love before I'm done
I surrender to your power
naked and ready to give you all
Then it is time for another shower
come watch me touch my body
please stay for another hour
Set your spirit free to this new world...
WOW!!!! Reading that caused a nuclear reaction in my soul. You have caught the essence of the enticing visual. I am captivated, in aw and do not want to break free. If I could bottle something forever these moments are my first choice. The glow from your soul has caught this moth. Love Always the light...you.