I woke up today thinking about
how we drive ourselves crazy
because of our weight...
(btw no I didn't feel this way today...lol)
You know what I am talking
about..those extra pounds !
I had to deal with this
ghost for many years
because I was a little
overweight growing up
so this blog is to remind me
and all my friends who
deal with this detail almost daily
First of all don't let your weight
define who you are
don't let those undesirable extra pounds
take your freedom away or
affect your confidence as a woman or man
Just make sure you are healthy
this is what matters ..at least should be your priority.
Nothing wrong in wanting to look your best
Just don't be a "slave" of your weight !
Don't allow that to stop from doing
anything you want
If anyone don't appreciate the person
you are because of those extra pounds
make sure you write them off your life
they were also a heavy "extra pounds"
that you shouldn't be carrying around
that you definitely don't need it
I know this is all easier said than done
but we own our lives so we have the power
to decide that we will be happy
with ourselves no matter what
again just make sure you are healthy
and if you still don't feel good
about those extra pounds
stop reading the blog with candies by your side
get up and do something about it
and never forget
Celebrate one more day and dance
It will make you feel lighter
and happier..always work for me.
See you on the dancefloor !
Muito bom. A atrofia cerebral é bem mais perigosa. Ou mesmo a hipertrofia da burrice:-)
o mais importante é se sentir bem como está, mas quando as roupas começama ficar apertadas, é hora de perder os extra-pounds. e dá-lhe malhação regime e remédios. esse de hoje foi feito para mim..kkkkkkkkkkkk
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