Lets talk about the art of waiting
of being patience
I admire people that
have the ability or
worked on themself
to get to the point
where they just wait
I get so stressed out
with things that I
think will happen
in the future
near or far future
it doesn't matter
I have been trying
to work on myself
and say to myself :
cross the bridge
when you get there...
easier said than done
to lots of people
so today my blog is
to tell you to take
a deep breath
twice and just
let it go things that
you can't control
I know it is hard work
but trust me it is a great
feeling when you do it...
life gets much more
pleasent and free
Sun is shining outside
and waiting for us
lets make things easier
for the sun and get out there
to celebrate one more day
living this complicated
simple life !
I need to learn to be more patient and less ansious.lol