Today I felt so homesick
I just can't find myself happier than
when I am in my house !
where I can eat the way I want
Sing as loud as I need
talk to my dogs because they talked to me...
Home is a sacred place that no one can take from you
and if some disturbing thoughts come around
to try to take the peace way
you just need to look to the ceiling ,
take a deep breath and make yourself comfortable
to experience the freedom that only your room can offer .
The safe place where we keep our favorites moments
through the little big things we collect along the way
Many people don't realize what home means
because they never left but the ones that did
as myself know what I am talking about...
as they say : Home is where the heart is
and Rio de Janeiro is where I feel the beats of mine...
strong , clear and passionate !
I can't wait to open the door...
and say : Oi tudo bem ?